Author: Summer Powell

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, few names stand as tall as Apple. Renowned for its innovation, sleek design, and user-friendly interfaces, Apple’s operating systems have continuously raised the bar in the realm of digital experiences. With each iteration, from iOS 16 to the latest iOS 17, Apple has strived to push boundaries and redefine the way we interact with our devices. Let’s delve into the journey of iOS, exploring its evolution from version 16 to the groundbreaking advancements witnessed in version 17. iOS 16: Setting the Stage for Innovation As the predecessor to iOS 17, iOS 16 laid the…

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System File Checker (SFC) is a powerful tool embedded within the Windows operating system aimed at maintaining the integrity of system files. It plays a crucial role in diagnosing and resolving various issues that may arise due to corrupted or missing system files. Introduction to System File Checker (SFC) What is SFC? System File Checker, commonly known as SFC, is a utility program provided by Microsoft Windows. It scans and verifies the integrity of all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with the correct Microsoft versions. Purpose of SFC The primary purpose of SFC is to ensure the stability…

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In the past, (formerly Ask Jeeves) primarily concentrated on being a search engine and was even perceived as a rival to Google and Yahoo. Sadly, in the years since then, Ask hasn’t aged so well. In 2005 Ask was acquired by a company named InterActiveCorp, an umbrella organization that owns many other popular websites like, and InterActiveCorp is also notorious for pushing toolbar downloads through many of its properties, the most well known of which is the Toolbar. While this toolbar is not technically malware, since it does ask permission to install, it is most…

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I was a bit surprised to find out that iTunes is among the most searched programs for assistance with uninstalling. But upon thinking about it more, it actually makes sense. iTunes is installed on many computers, and one of the first and easiest troubleshooting steps for fixing an iTunes error is to uninstall and then reinstall the program. It’s a simple solution. Actually, it is pretty simple, but if you’re trying to uninstall everything that is installed with iTunes it’s not quite as straightforward as you might think at first. Here’s how to completely uninstall iTunes: To start, the usual…

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The easiest method to hack a computer is by convincing the user to voluntarily run malicious programs. But who would run a malicious program on purpose? Quite a few people, unfortunately. The most common tactic malicious software makers use to trick users is to label their programs as something “free”. People love free stuff so this works. One of the most common searches that malicious fraud programs take advantage of is “free wallpapers”. I personally wouldn’t have guessed that, but there you have it. Here’s a way to get dozens of HD quality wallpapers for free without having to worry…

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Today, I will show you how downloading one program and spending only 2 minutes setting it up can significantly improve your computer’s security. With this software installed, your PC will be almost completely protected from hackers. First, you’ll need to download the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) from Microsoft and install it. It’s best to use the Recommended Settings option. This will enable recommended settings designed to protect against the exploitation of the most commonly vulnerable programs. These program include Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook Adobe Reader, the Java plug-in, and Wordpad. Next, open the EMET GUI (which can…

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Google’s recent insistence that YouTube users link their accounts with Google+ has resulted in many people completely leaving YouTube because they do not like the social media platform. To that end, here’s a short description of how to delete your YouTube account. How To Delete a YouTube channel connected to a Google+ page or not connected to Google+: Make sure you’ve logged in to the channel you want to delete. Go to Advanced Account Settings. Click Delete channel. You’ll be asked to re-enter your login information to confirm that you really do want to delete your channel. You may still…

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I had intended to provide a thorough explanation on the significance of private search results, but it seems unnecessary now. We all know that the NSA and possibly other government entities gather private and public communications. In addition, big internet companies such as Google, Facebook, and Yahoo focus on advertising and collecting extensive user data. It seems like everyone is striving to uncover as much information about one another as possible. The phrase “Knowledge is Power” rings true now more than ever, as information holds great importance. But as all of these organizations have built themselves around collecting as much…

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YouTube reports that more than 100 hours of video content are uploaded to the platform every minute, and users watch over 6 billion hours of video per month. That’s more than 680,000 YEARS of video watched every single month on YouTube. While I’m sure most of those views are from people who only watch a video once, I’m also pretty confident many of those views are from people watching the same video more than once, maybe many times. If there’s a video you’d like to save for offline viewing, so you’re not having to visit YouTube every time you want to…

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Online advertising is a trillion dollar industry. It is commonly seen as the foundation of the internet and a crucial aspect in the success of many of the most popular websites online. Google alone is valued at nearly $400 billion and the vast majority of that is from online advertising through its AdWords platform. Facebook, Twitter, and most other search engines are also backed almost entirely by the advertising revenue they generate. If online advertising were to disappear tomorrow, most of the internet as we know it today would disappear with it. Except maybe Wikipedia. With that in mind, it’s…

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